Appointments with Jennifer Williamson are not currently available to be booked online, we apologize for the inconvenience of not being able to book online for her. Please contact our clinic directly via phone (902) 275-5086 or e-mail and we would be happy to arrange an appointment time that works best for you.


Acupuncture is an ancient practise that has become a permanent fixture in modern clinics across North America. This holistic approach to health, based on over 2,000 years of development and refinement, is as much about the maintenance of overall health and wellness as the management of specific concerns. The goal of the acupuncturist is to assess your unique and complex pattern of disharmony to... Read More

Acupuncture is an ancient practise that has become a permanent fixture in modern clinics across North America. This holistic approach to health, based on over 2,000 years of development and refinement, is as much about the maintenance of overall health and wellness as the management of specific concerns. The goal of the acupuncturist is to assess your unique and complex pattern of disharmony to identify the root cause and bring your whole mind, body, and spirit into harmony.
The effectiveness of acupuncture is well documented and extends far beyond just pain management, though it is generally and successfully used by chronic pain patients. Acupuncture is also effective for physical, psychological, and emotional problems. Today, it is used by many athletes to achieve optimum performance and as a therapy for chemical dependency among a host of other complaints.

The most common acupuncture technique is treatment with tiny acupuncture needles. These are used to stimulate points found all over the body that correspond with energetic pathways to specific organs, body structures, and systems. The acupuncturist may supplement needle treatment with acupressure massage techniques particularly suitable for small children or for people with a fear of needles.

Recently, researchers have analyzed the anatomy of each acupuncture point to determine which nerves and other tissues are stimulated by acupuncture. They have linked acupoints to specific muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissues. Acupuncture can also have profound effects on the nervous system, including the stimulation of points that balance the autonomic nervous system.

Commonly treated conditions:
Allergies and asthma
Anxiety and depression
Arthritis and joint problems
Back pain
Bladder and kidney problems
Childhood illnesses
Constipation and diarrhea
Colds and flu
Drug addiction/smoking
Gynecological disorders
Headaches and migraines
Health maintenance
Heart problems or palpitations
High blood pressure
Immune system deficiency
Knee pain
Neck pain and stiffness
Premenstrual syndrome
Sexual dysfunction
Shoulder pain
Skin problems
Stress and tension
Vision problems

Massage Therapy

Massage offers more than just an opportunity for relaxation and it should be part of any well-rounded health care plan. Our therapists are trained in a variety of massage techniques to help our clients relieve pain, increase mobility, rehabilitate, as well as destress. There is almost no one who can’t benefit from regular massage treatments. Our Massage Therapy practitioners: Shalini Ramper... Read More

Massage offers more than just an opportunity for relaxation and it should be part of any well-rounded health care plan. Our therapists are trained in a variety of massage techniques to help our clients relieve pain, increase mobility, rehabilitate, as well as destress. There is almost no one who can’t benefit from regular massage treatments.

Our Massage Therapy practitioners:
Shalini Rampersad
Jonathan Ward

Techniques we offer
Myofascial techniques
Neuromuscular techniques
Remedial exercise
Joint mobility
Swedish techniques

A short list of treatable conditions:
Strains and sprains
Dislocations and fractures
Tendonitis and bursitis
Frozen shoulder
Postural imbalances
Joint dysfunction
CNS and PNS disorders
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Piriformis syndrome
Piriformis syndrome
Disc herniations
Gastrointestinal concerns
Respiratory conditions
Stress reduction

Shalini Rampersad RMT

Shalini Rampersad became a Registered Massage Therapist in 2007. She started off working in both clinical and spa settings in Toronto, Ontario before moving to Nova Scotia. She is qualified in different modalities of massage, some of which include pre and post natal, Reiki, and Fascial Release. She is excited to be part of the amazing team at Personal Care Physiotherapy.

Shalini Rampersad RMT Shalini Rampersad became a Registered Massage Therapist in 2007. She start... Read More

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